SouthShore Youth Sports
The vision of Southshore Youth Sports is to reach out to our community and share the gospel’s good news in an energizing way. With Jesus at the epicenter of our ministry, the experience becomes unique to what most families have ever experienced before in sports and recreation. We believe in and provide a Christ-centered experience that emphasizes Christian character development, traditional sportsmanship, teamwork, and overall fitness and skill development with each program. We know that this sports ministry will be a blessing in serving families in our community with a safe and engaging environment for their children to grow physically, spiritually, and relationally.

We exist to embrace our community through sports and recreation and develop relationships with the next generation and share the news of the gospel with them.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: We will end registration once each division has reached capacity. This may vary depending on the division, so we encourage everyone to sign up and complete payment as soon as possible. Your spot is not secure until payment is received in full. If you are placed on a waiting list, you will not be asked to pay.

Registration Information: Click the registration link, and you will be directed to create a login and password in Team Sideline. You will create a parent profile first, and then a player(s) profile for each of your kids. Once teams are assigned, we will email you the roster and you can log in and view your roster, schedule, and standings:

Click Here to Sign Up



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