Wellspring Tech
The Tech Team exists to create an environment that allows our congregation to experience a distraction-free worship experience and be engaged during the message.
Tech Team Positions
Time commitment: 7:20am – 12:30pm, 1-2 Sundays per month.
FOH Audio Engineer
Our front of house audio engineers are responsible for mixing the sound in the auditorium during weekend services.
Broadcast Audio Engineer
Our broadcast audio engineers are responsible for mixing the sound for our online congregation during weekend services.
Our producers are responsible for keeping our weekend services flowing by directing the team to hit our cues and keeping things running smoothly.
CG Operator
Our CG operators are in charge of our on-screen lyrics and graphics, making sure the right thing is always on screen at the right time throughout the service.
Lighting Operator
Our lighting operators control the lighting within the auditorium to help create a consistent and distraction-free worship experience.
Video Director
Our video directors lead our camera operators to get the perfect shot for our online services and to display in the auditorium.
Camera Operator
Our camera operators work with the video director to make sure the shots we show online and in-service are engaging, immserive, and in focus.
Stage Manager
Our stage managers are responsible for ensuring that everything happening on-stage happens when it needs to, making sure all sermon props are out and available when they’re needed.